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Synology DS723+ NAS Review: Pros, Cons, and Performance

As a team, we've delved into the world of the Synology DS723+ NAS to provide you with an in-depth analysis. We've extensively researched, gathering user reviews to give you a comprehensive overview. We'll discuss the complicated setup and poor tech support some users have encountered, as well as the positive experiences others have had. We'll also explore the features and capabilities, including the benefits of adding RAM and SSD. This article aims to help you make an informed decision about the suitability of the Synology DS723+ NAS for your needs.

Key Takeaways

  • Setup process can be challenging and unclear, requiring additional assistance or watching instructional videos.
  • Users have reported poor technical support from Synology, with unclear instructions and longer resolution times.
  • The Synology DS723+ NAS offers a range of features and capabilities, including optimal performance, convenient connectivity options, and the ability to run serious workloads using Docker.
  • Some users have had positive experiences with the NAS, praising its ease of installation, data privacy and security, stability, and increased performance with additional components.


In summary, based on user experiences and reviews, the Synology DS723+ NAS offers a range of features and capabilities but may present challenges in terms of setup and technical support. The device allows users to own their data and has the potential for running serious workloads using Docker with the addition of RAM and SSD. However, setting up the NAS can be complicated, and some users have reported poor technical support. This can lead to frustration and confusion, as users may need assistance from Synology Tech support and receive unclear instructions via email. While some users have found the NAS easy to install and have had positive experiences with it, others have encountered difficulties. It is important to be aware of these potential challenges before making a purchase decision.

Key Features

Let's take a look at the key features of the Synology DS723+ NAS. One of the standout features is its impressive specs, including an AMD Ryzen R1600 processor and 2GB DDR4 ECC system memory. Additionally, it offers 2 x RJ-45 1GbE LAN-Port and 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1-Port for convenient connectivity options.


With its AMD Ryzen R1600 processor and 2GB DDR4 ECC system memory, the Synology DS723+ NAS offers powerful specs for optimal performance. This NAS is designed to meet the needs of users who desire control over their data. The device comes equipped with 2 x RJ-45 1GbE LAN-Port for fast and reliable network connectivity. Additionally, it is equipped with 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1-Port for easy external device connectivity. To give you a better understanding, here is a table summarizing the key features of the Synology DS723+ NAS:

ProcessorAMD Ryzen R1600
System Memory2GB DDR4 ECC
LAN Port2 x RJ-45 1GbE
USB Port1 x USB 3.2 Gen 1

These specifications make the Synology DS723+ NAS a reliable and efficient storage solution for your data management needs.

Pros and Cons: Summary

Now let's take a moment to summarize the pros and cons of the Synology DS723+ NAS. One of the things we like about this device is its capability to allow users to own their data. However, one area that could be improved is the setup process and tech support, as some users found it to be complicated and lacking in assistance. By addressing these areas, Synology can enhance the overall user experience with their NAS.

What We Like

Our overall impression of the Synology DS723+ NAS is a mixed bag of positives and negatives. On the positive side, we appreciate the device's ability to allow users to own their data and the option to expand its capabilities by adding RAM and SSD. Additionally, the availability of free apps for different purposes is a great feature. On the negative side, we found the setup process to be complicated and the tech support to be lacking. However, watching YouTube videos can assist in the installation process. Overall, while there are definitely some positive aspects to the Synology DS723+ NAS, the complicated setup and poor tech support are significant drawbacks that potential buyers should consider.

Improve Setup and Support

Improving the setup and support for the Synology DS723+ NAS involves streamlining the installation process and enhancing customer assistance. This will help users have a smoother experience and feel more supported throughout the setup and configuration phase. To achieve this, Synology could consider the following:

  • Simplify the setup instructions: Provide clear and concise step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow, reducing the need for additional assistance.
  • Implement a live chat support feature: Enable users to have real-time conversations with support agents, allowing for immediate troubleshooting and problem-solving.
  • Enhance documentation: Provide comprehensive and user-friendly documentation, including FAQs and troubleshooting guides, so users can find solutions to common issues on their own.
  • Improve response time: Ensure timely and efficient customer support responses, reducing wait times and frustration.

Ideal use cases

The Synology DS723+ NAS is ideal for small businesses and personal users looking for reliable storage and data management solutions. With its powerful AMD Ryzen R1600 processor and 2GB DDR4 ECC system memory, it offers excellent performance and stability. The device allows users to have full control over their data, ensuring privacy and security. It supports multiple RAID configurations for data redundancy and protection. The NAS also offers the flexibility to expand its capabilities by adding RAM and SSDs, enabling users to run serious workloads using Docker. Additionally, there are free apps available for various purposes, providing users with even more control over their data and workflows. Whether you need a centralized storage solution for your small business or a secure backup for your personal files, the Synology DS723+ NAS is an excellent choice.

Buy or Not?

After considering the pros, cons, and overall performance of the Synology DS723+ NAS, we are confident that it is a worthwhile investment for those seeking reliable storage and data management solutions. Despite the complicated setup and poor tech support experienced by some users, the positive experiences and capabilities of this NAS outweigh the drawbacks. Users have found it easy to install and have praised its stability, increased performance with additional components, and various functions. Additionally, the device allows users to own their data and offers free apps for different purposes. While the setup may require assistance or watching instructional videos, the Synology DS723+ NAS delivers speed, performance, and the ability to handle serious workloads. Overall, we believe that this NAS is a solid choice for individuals who desire control over their storage and data management.


Now let's address some common setup issues and troubleshooting tips that users may encounter with the Synology DS723+ NAS. We'll also discuss the availability of tech support and the user-friendly features that make this device convenient to use. Furthermore, we'll explore the recommended accessories that can enhance the functionality of the NAS.

Common Setup Issues

Although the setup process for the Synology DS723+ NAS can be complicated, there are common issues that users may encounter. One common issue is difficulty accessing the NAS from a remote location. This can be due to network configuration or firewall settings. Another common issue is slow transfer speeds when copying files to or from the NAS. This can be caused by network congestion, outdated firmware, or insufficient hardware resources. Users may also encounter problems with setting up user accounts and permissions, which can be resolved by carefully following the instructions provided by Synology. Lastly, some users may experience difficulties in setting up RAID configurations, especially if they are unfamiliar with the process. In such cases, referring to the user manual or seeking assistance from Synology support can help resolve the issue.

Troubleshooting Tips

Let's delve into some troubleshooting tips (FAQ's) to address common issues that users may encounter with the Synology DS723+ NAS. If you're experiencing slow performance, check your network connection and ensure that your router and NAS are both using Gigabit Ethernet. Additionally, make sure that the NAS firmware is up to date, as new updates often include performance improvements. If you're having trouble accessing your NAS remotely, double-check your network settings and ensure that port forwarding is correctly configured. If you're encountering file transfer issues, try using a different Ethernet cable or port on your router. Lastly, if you're experiencing frequent disconnections, check for any interference from nearby devices and consider adjusting your Wi-Fi settings. By following these troubleshooting tips, you can resolve common issues and maintain optimal performance with your Synology DS723+ NAS.

Tech Support Availability

We will now address the availability of tech support for the Synology DS723+ NAS by providing answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ's). Synology offers tech support through various channels to assist users in resolving any issues they may encounter. You can reach out to their support team via live chat, email, or phone. The support team is available during regular business hours, Monday through Friday. They provide assistance with setting up the NAS, troubleshooting technical problems, and answering product-related inquiries. Additionally, Synology has a comprehensive knowledge base and user forums where you can find helpful resources and solutions to common problems. Rest assured, Synology is committed to providing reliable tech support to ensure a smooth user experience.

User-Friendly Features

Continuing with our exploration of the Synology DS723+ NAS, let's now delve into its user-friendly features and address frequently asked questions (FAQ's). One of the standout features of this NAS is its intuitive and user-friendly interface. The DSM (DiskStation Manager) operating system makes it easy to navigate and configure the device to suit your specific needs. Additionally, the NAS supports a wide range of apps and services, allowing you to customize it according to your requirements. Another user-friendly feature is the ability to easily set up remote access, enabling you to access your files and manage your NAS from anywhere. Furthermore, the device offers robust data protection features, including RAID configurations and data backup options, ensuring the safety of your files.

Recommended Accessories

Moving forward, we'll explore the recommended accessories for the Synology DS723+ NAS and address frequently asked questions (FAQ's). When it comes to accessories for the DS723+ NAS, there are a few options that can enhance its performance and functionality. One highly recommended accessory is additional RAM. By adding more RAM to your NAS, you can improve its multitasking capabilities and handle more demanding workloads. Another useful accessory is an SSD cache. This can significantly boost the overall speed and responsiveness of your NAS, especially when it comes to frequently accessed data. Additionally, if you require faster network speeds, you may consider adding a 10Gb Ethernet adapter to take advantage of higher bandwidth. Lastly, it is worth mentioning that Synology offers a range of expansion units, such as the DX517, which allows you to expand your storage capacity easily.

Helpful Resources

With the availability of numerous free apps and the option to add RAM and SSD for running serious workloads, the Synology DS723+ NAS offers users a wealth of helpful resources. These resources empower users to have control over their data and customize their NAS experience according to their needs. The free apps available cover a wide range of purposes, allowing users to enhance their productivity, media streaming, file sharing, and surveillance capabilities. Additionally, the ability to add RAM and SSD enables users to optimize the performance of their NAS, especially when running resource-intensive applications like Docker. By expanding the memory and storage capacity, users can ensure smooth operation and efficient handling of demanding workloads. With these resources at their disposal, users can confidently utilize their Synology DS723+ NAS to its full potential.

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