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UHS-I Vs UHS-II: Speed Showdown in 13 Points

You're in the market for top-notch storage, and speed's your game. It's time to compare the titans: UHS-I against UHS-II.

In this showdown, we'll break down their speeds, costs, and compatibility in 13 decisive points. You'll understand the nuances, from class ratings to real-world performance.

Get ready to make an informed choice that'll keep your tech on track.

Saddle up; you're about to take control of your data's destiny.

Understanding UHS-I Technology

You'll first need to grasp the basics of UHS-I technology, the initial iteration of Ultra High Speed interfaces designed for SD cards. UHS-I is your starting point for high-performance data transfer, offering speeds up to 104 MB/s. It's pivotal for you to understand that this rate allows you to shoot high-resolution photos and videos without a hitch. While it's not the fastest on the market, UHS-I provides a solid foundation for your data needs.

Don't be fooled by numbers alone, though. You must consider the compatibility of your devices with UHS-I to fully harness its potential. Your equipment's support will dictate the actual performance you'll experience. Remember, control over your tech setup begins with understanding its capabilities and limitations.

Delving Into UHS-II Capabilities

Building on UHS-I's foundation, UHS-II technology takes data transfer to the next level, offering speeds up to 312 MB/s to streamline your high-resolution tasks. With this boost, you've got the power to manage large files and 4K video without the wait. Imagine transferring gigabytes of data in seconds, not minutes. It's about maximizing efficiency, saving you precious time in a workflow that demands speed.

UHS-II achieves this by using an additional row of pins, facilitating a quicker path for your data. You'll notice this difference when continuous shooting with a DSLR or working with RAW images. It's the control you need to stay ahead in a world where speed is crucial.

Embrace UHS-II and take command of your data like never before.

Maximum Speed Potential

Each UHS-II card boasts a maximum speed potential that you can't ignore, reaching up to three times the transfer rate of UHS-I. This stark difference means you're equipped with the power to move large files swiftly, ensuring your workflow remains uninterrupted. You demand efficiency and speed, and UHS-II delivers just that.

To give you a clearer picture, here's a table comparing the maximum speeds:

SpecificationUHS-I (Max Speed)UHS-II (Max Speed)
Read Speed104 MB/s312 MB/s
Write Speed104 MB/s260 MB/s
Bus InterfaceSingle Row PinsDouble Row Pins

The numbers speak volumes. You've got the control to choose a card with a speed that matches your needs, ensuring you're not left waiting on your gear. UHS-II is your path to a faster, more efficient data handling experience.

Real-world Performance Contrast

Benchmarks may dazzle, but it's your actual experience with UHS-I and UHS-II cards that'll reveal the real speed differences during everyday use. You want to know how these cards truly perform when you're shooting high-resolution photos in rapid succession, or recording 4K video without a hitch.

UHS-II cards aren't just about impressive specs; they deliver where it counts. You'll notice the faster write speeds when your camera buffer clears quicker, letting you get back to shooting without annoying delays. Transferring files to your computer? UHS-II slashes that wait time considerably.

Sure, UHS-I cards can handle general tasks, but for high-intensity uses, UHS-II cards give you that edge, ensuring your workflow remains smooth and efficient.

Speed Class Ratings Explained

Understanding speed class ratings is crucial as they directly impact your camera's ability to handle high-resolution imaging and video tasks efficiently. These ratings, symbolized by a C, U, or V followed by a number, represent the minimum sustained write speed measured in megabytes per second (MB/s). The Class 10 (C10), for example, guarantees a minimum write speed of 10 MB/s, while UHS Speed Class 3 (U3) ensures at least 30 MB/s.

Now, when you're weighing UHS-I against UHS-II, know that UHS-II cards often boast higher speed class ratings, which translates to faster data writing. This is essential for 4K video or burst photography. Choose cards with a higher speed class to ensure your camera performs at its peak, giving you the control to capture moments without a hitch.

Impact on Burst Photography

When you're capturing rapid sequences with burst photography, a UHS-II card's faster write speeds can significantly reduce the time between shots. This matters when you're aiming for precision and control over your photography sessions. Every second counts, and you can't afford to miss a beat.

Here's how UHS-I and UHS-II compare in burst photography scenarios:

Write SpeedUp to 104 MB/sUp to 312 MB/s
Buffer Clear TimeLongerShorter
Continuous ShootingMore InterruptionsFewer Interruptions
Frame CaptureLess ReliableMore Reliable
Control Over ShotsLimitedEnhanced

With a UHS-II card, you'll experience a smoother and more efficient burst shooting session. It's about capturing the moment perfectly, without interruptions that could cost you the perfect shot.

Video Recording Capabilities

Shifting focus to video recording, you'll find that UHS-II cards enable smoother, higher-quality recording, especially when dealing with 4K or higher resolution footage. These cards aren't just about speed; they're about your command over the recording process. With UHS-II, you're at the helm, directing your device to capture every frame with precision and without the frustration of buffering or dropped frames.

  • Higher Bitrates: UHS-II supports the high bitrates required for professional-grade video, ensuring no compromise on visual fidelity.
  • Continuous Shooting: Record prolonged 4K video without interruption, giving you the power to capture the full story.
  • Future-Proofing: Gear up for next-gen recording standards, keeping you ahead of the curve as resolutions and frame rates continue to climb.

Bus Interface Technicalities

Your camera's bus interface determines the maximum transfer speed that UHS-I or UHS-II cards can achieve, directly impacting your workflow efficiency. To gain control over your data management, it's crucial to grasp the technicalities of this feature.

UHS-I cards utilize a single row of pins, which limits their transfer rate to 104 MB/s. In stark contrast, UHS-II cards pack a second row of pins, allowing for a theoretical speed of up to 312 MB/s. This means you'll spend less time waiting for files to transfer and more time capturing the action.

Understand this: your choice between UHS-I and UHS-II isn't just about speed; it's about harnessing the potential to optimize your performance. Choose wisely, as it'll define the pace at which you work.

Card Reader Compatibility

Although you may have the fastest UHS-II card, you'll need a compatible card reader to fully benefit from its speed capabilities. Without the right reader, you're essentially throttling your card's performance, unable to unleash its full potential.

To ensure you're in command of your data transfer experience, consider these critical points:

  • Check for UHS-II support: Ensure your reader explicitly states compatibility with UHS-II cards.
  • Look for multiple slots: Some readers offer dedicated slots for UHS-I and UHS-II, optimizing performance.
  • Confirm the interface: USB 3.0 or higher is necessary to match the speeds UHS-II cards can deliver.

Price Comparison

In addition to ensuring card reader compatibility, you'll also find that UHS-II cards generally come with a higher price tag compared to UHS-I. As someone who values control and precision in their purchasing decisions, you'll want to weigh the cost against the performance benefits.

Here's a concise table to help you compare:

Card TypeAverage PriceSpeed Advantage

Device Support Differences

You'll need to check if your device is compatible with UHS-II cards, as not all gadgets support this advanced technology. It's crucial to understand that while UHS-II cards can physically fit into a UHS-I slot, you won't enjoy the enhanced speeds unless your device is specifically designed for UHS-II.

To ensure you're in control, here's what you should consider:

  • Device Specifications: Confirm through your device's technical details if it supports UHS-II.
  • Performance Gains: Understand the actual speed benefits you'll gain with your specific device.
  • Future Proofing: Consider if investing in UHS-II compatibility is worth it for your anticipated future needs.

Empower yourself with this knowledge to make an informed decision and optimize your device's performance.

Durability and Longevity

Beyond ensuring compatibility, it's essential to consider the robustness and lifespan of UHS-I and UHS-II memory cards when making your choice. You want a card that'll stand up to the rigors of frequent use and last for years to come.

Both UHS-I and UHS-II cards are designed with durability in mind, featuring solid build quality to withstand normal wear and tear.

However, UHS-II cards often come with additional robust features, such as a sturdier pin design, which may contribute to a longer life expectancy.

Make sure you're investing in a card that won't just keep up with your demands but will also endure the test of time. After all, your memories and work are precious, and you deserve a memory card that's as reliable as you are.

Futureproofing Your Storage

Considering the rapid evolution of technology, it's crucial to choose a memory card that won't become obsolete too soon. You want to invest in storage that'll keep pace with emerging devices and demanding applications. Going for a card with the highest UHS (Ultra High Speed) class ensures you're at the forefront, ready for future challenges.

Here's what you need to consider to futureproof your purchase:

  • Transfer speeds: Opt for cards with faster write speeds to handle high-resolution files and video formats.
  • Capacity: Select a card with ample storage to accommodate growing file sizes.
  • Compatibility: Ensure the card fits upcoming devices, both in form factor and performance.

Take control of your tech's longevity by making smart, forward-thinking choices now.


You've now seen how UHS-II blows UHS-I out of the water with its speed potential. UHS-II cards are the futureproof choice for high-speed performance needs. They're pricier, but if you're shooting 4K or burst photography, the investment's worth it.

While UHS-I is more budget-friendly and widely supported, it's important to remember to check your device compatibility.

In the end, it's about finding the right balance between cost and performance for your specific needs. Choose wisely and keep that data flowing fast!

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